ד"ר נעם לידר

מנהל אגף אקולוגיה, חטיבת מדע

טלפון: 050-5063126

משרד: 02-5014801


תחומי עבודה

פרסומים מקצועיים 


Tadmor-Levi, R; Feldstein-Farkash, T; Milstein, D; Golani, Dl; Leader, N; Goren, M; David, L. 2023 (submitted).  Revisiting the species list of freshwater fish in Israel based on DNA barcoding". Ecology and Evolution
Leader N, Turkozan O & Levy. 2023 (submitted). Artificial light at night on nesting beaches of the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the eastern Mediterranean and its possible effect on populations. Ocean and Coastal Management
Salomon A, Kozhoridze G, Shochat E,Magen I, Naveh I, Leader N, Tsoar A, & Ovadia O. 2022.. Bird eggs or wheat: Assessing the impact of an overabundant crow species in a landscape mosaic in the Negev desert of Israel. Journal for Nature Conservation 70
Barocas A, Hefner R, Ucko M, Shalmon B, Leader N. & Geffen E. 2022. Ruppell’s fox movement and spatial behavior are influenced by topography and human activity. Biodiversity and Conservation 31, 1345–1357
Horovitz, R, Chen R, Golan R, Leader N, et al. 2020. Three years after extensive pollution in Nahal Ashalim - assessment of the situation according to the monitoring plan. Ecology & Environment 11 (in Hebrew)
Levy Y., Keren T., Leader N., Weil G., Tchernov D. & Rilov G. 2017. Spatiotemporal hotspots of habitat use by loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtles in the Levant basin as tools for conservation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser  575: 165–179
Bar-Yosef J., Rotem D., Leader N., Tsoar A., Sabah, A. & Steintz O. 2017. There is life around the Dead Sea – Long-term research and monitoring projects. Ecology & Environment 8: 311-312 (in Hebrew)
Milstein D., Uzan A., Hazan E., Leader N., Sabah A., Nesher R. & Keshet N. 2017. Creation of wetland habitat and ecosystems at the Einot Tzukin Nature Reserve as a tool for biodiversity conservation. Ecology & Environment 8: 354-360 (in Hebrew)
Shkedy, Y., Artzi, Y, Leader, N. & Hatzofe O. 2013. The decrease of fish stocks in the Sea of Galilee - a result of the instability of the system and not of the activity of cormorants. Ecology & Environment 4: 32-37 (in Hebrew) 
Ph.D., 2002, Zoology
Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
M.Sc., 1996, Ecology and Environmental Studies
Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
B.Sc., 1993, Biology
Faculty of Life sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

 צילום: נעם לידר

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ספירת הנשרים באביב האחרון מאששת את מגמת ההתייצבות של האוכלוסייה אם כי היום גודלה הוא כמחצית מבעשור הקודם ואירועי הרעלה עדיין חוזרים ונשנים
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